Pervert Jack - Adult Comics Featuring the Misadventures of that Lovable Pervert!
Pervert Jack - Adult Comics Featuring the Misadventures of that Lovable Pervert! -
Welcome to Follow the exploits of the Clouseau of Voyeurism.
Perverted cartoons, funnies, photos, and some really lame jokes.
Penis Slang Synonyms
Aaron's rod, baby maker, bald-headed hermit, baloney, baloney pony, banana, banger, bat, battering ram, bauble, bayonet, bazooka, beak, bean, bean tosser, beef, beef bayonet, best friend, best leg of three, bicho, bishop, blackjack, blacksnake, blueskin, bob, bob tail, bodkin, bone, boner, bone phone, broom handle, bug fucker, bullhorn, bum tickler, burrito, bush beater, bushwacker, business, butter knife, candle, cane, carnal stump, carrot, charger, cheese maker, cherry picker, chicken, chimney brush, chimpo, chimpoko, chinchi, chinko, chopper, chum, cigar, clothes hanger, club, cock, codpiece, copperstick, corn on the cob, crack hunter, crank, creamsicle, creamstick, crook, crotch cobra, cuckoo, cucumber, cummer, cumsicle, cunt stretcher, daddy, dagger, dangling participle, dart of love, dearest member, de-virginizer, devil stick, dibble, Dick, dickory dock, dicky, diddle, dildo, dingbat, ding-a-ling, ding dong, dinger, dingle, dingle dangle, dingus, dipstick, dinosaur, dirt dobber, divining rod, doctor, dodad, dofunny, dohicky, dojohnnie, dong, doodle, dork, down-leg, dragon, drill, drop member, drumstick, ducy, dummy, eel, el bicho, el pi'pi', eleventh finger, eye opener, fag, family jewels, family organ, fiddle bow, fishing pole, fishing rod, flapdoodle, flapper, foaming beef, fool sticker, forefinger, fornicating engine, fornicating tool, fornicator, fountain pen, frankfurter, frigamajig, fuck finger, fuck thingy, fucker, gadget, gap stopper, gardener, German helmet, giggle stick, girlometer, goober, gooser, goose neck, gravy giver, gravy maker, grinding tool, gristle, gun, gut stick, hair divider, hair splitter, hambone, hammer, hampton wick, handstaff, hanging johnny, hard-on, head, heat seeking muscle, helmet, hermit, hog, holy poker, honker, horn, hose, hot rod, humpmobile, hunk of meat, instrument, Irish root, it, Jack, jack in the box, Jack Robinson, Jacob, jang, jelly roll, jerking iron, Jewish nightcap, jig, jigger, jiggling bone, jim, jing-jang, jock, jocky, John, John Henry, Johnnie, Johnson, John Thomas, joint, Jolly Roger, jones, joy knob, joy stick, junior, key, kidney scraper, kidney wiper, king member, knob, knocker, kosher meat, kosher pickle, ladies' delight, ladies' lollipop, ladies' treasure, lamp of life, lance, lance of love, leaky spicket, licorice stick, life preserver, little brother, little Davy, little finger, little Willie, liver turner, live sausage, lizard, lap dancer, lap pole, lob-cock, lobster, log, lollipop, long John, long neck, love muscle, love pump, love sausage, love steak, machine, magic wand, magnum, male member, manhood, man-root, man tool, marrow-bone, marrow pudding, masculine part, master of ceremonies, maypole, meat, meat whistle, meat and veggies, member, mentule, merry maker, Mickey, middle finger, middle leg, middle stump, milkman, milk pump, missile, Mr. Tom, modigger, monkey, mouse, mule, muscle of love, mushroom, mushroom tip, mutton dagger, my man Thomas, nag, natural member, nature's scythe, needle, needle dick, nervous cane, nethers, nimrod, nine-inch knocker, nippy, nooney, nose, nuts and bolts, old blind Bob, old horny, old man, one-eyed brother, one-eyed monster, one-eyed pants mouse, one-eyed trouser snake, one-eyed wonder, one-eyed worm, organ, Oscar, paper tiger, peace maker, pecker, peenie, pee-pee, pee-wee, pen, pencil, pencil dick, pendulum, penis, peppermint stick, perch, Percy, pestle, Peter, piccolo, pickle, picklock, pike, pikestaff, pile driver, pimple, pin, pink oboe, pinky, pioneer of nature, pipe, pisser, pistol, piston, piston rod, plaything, pleasure pole, plonker, plowshare, plug, plugtail, plum tree, plinger, p-maker, pointer, poker, pole, poll-axe, pony, Pope's hat, pork dagger, pork sword, post, potato finger, prick, pickle, pride and joy, privates, prong, pud, pull toy, pump, pump handle, pup, put-put, putz, pussy perch, pussy popper, pylon, python, quartermaster, quim streak, quim wedge, radish, Ralph, ram, rammer, ramrod, ranger, raw meat, reamer, rector of the females, redcap, red-hot poker, rock, rod, rod of love, Roger, rolling pin, rooster, root, roto-rooter, rudder, ruffian, Rumbleforeskin, rump splitter, Saint Peter, salami, scepter, schlong, schmock, schwantz, screwdriver, seed spreader, sensitive plant, serpent, shaft of Cupid, shaker, shaft, she, sheath, short arm, shove devil, silent flute, skin flute, skipper, skyscraper, slug, small arm, snake, snake in the grass, snapper, spear, sperm squirter, sperm straw, spigot, spindle, spit, spitting cobra, spunk shooter, squirt gun, squirter, staff, stallion, star gazer, stern post, stiffy, stinger, stick, stogie, stormy dick, stub, stuff, stump, sucker, sugar stick, sweet meat, swizzle stick, sword, tail pike, tail pipe, tally whacker, teapot, tent pole, the boy, the old Adam, the old root, thing, thingambob, thingamy, third leg, thistle, thorn in the flesh, thumb of love, tickle gizzard, tickler, tickle tail, tip, Tommy, tongue, tool, tootsie roll, torch of Cupid, torpedo, tosselberry, touch trap, tower of power, toy, trap stick, trifle, trigger, trouble, trouser snake, trouser tongue, trouser trout, tube, tube-steak, tug mutton, tummy banana, uncle Dick, unit, unruly member, wag, wand, wang, water sprout, wazoo, weasel, wee-wee, weapon, wedge, weenie, whacker, whammer, what whip, whisky Dick, whistle, whore pipe, wick, wigga-wagga, wiggle stick, wiggle worm, Willie, winkie, winkle, wire, wong, worm, wriggling pole, wurst, yang, yard measure, yard stick, ying-yang, yum-yum, zipper snake.
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